Monday, August 8, 2011

Review: Cowboys and Aliens

Top 10 Things I learned from Cowboys and Aliens

10. Never mistake a metal wrist band alien weapon thing for hand-cuffs.
9. Going to the bathroom in a river during an alien attack might be the safest place on earth.
8. Do not let Harrison Ford's cows be killed by aliens.
7. Never call Daniel Craig's possible but not sure girl friend a whore.
6. Dead alien + Native American fire = now living naked alien.
5. Some aliens from other planets speak fluent Apache.
4. Do not look at the white shiny ball.
3. The only way to remove a wrist band alien weapon thing is a kiss from your true love. (Thank you Disney, oh yeah, and this true love must be an alien in disguise)
2. Extra-terrestrials are just as greedy as the next guy. (its all about the money)
1. Best promoter of racial reconciliation = alien attack.

If you have ever wondered what would come from Independence Day, The Bourne Identity and 3:10 to Yuma having a love child, well here is your answer (don't think about the biology and it makes sense). This movie gave me exactly what I expected, a sub-par plot with a few twists and some sweet action scenes. During the middle of this movie I looked over to Diane (my wife; and yes, she going to this movie shows how much she loves me) and said, "This just got weird." Of course she replied, "Its about cowboys and aliens." She was right of course. But I think why the middle was so weird is they tried to give us some character and plot development. The whole time I'm thinking, "I didn't come here to watch a man find himself and an woman walk out of fire. I came to watch cowboys fight aliens." Well, thankfully the end is just that and it was awesome! Overall this was a below average movie with one upside. Cowboys fought aliens. Come on... you knew Cowboys and Indians was overrated...

Rating: 3 scarves (probably too high, but Cowboys did fight aliens)

P.S. Just in case you didn't catch it: don't see this movie if you want more than Cowboys fighting aliens.

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